Tabletop Genesis Episode 43 – “The Bataclan 1973 4K Restoration”

“Holy Mother of God you’ve got to … see that new Bataclan video!” Genesis fans got a treat recently with the release of the well-known 1973 Paris concert footage, but now beautifully restored in 4K glory. The Tabletop share their reactions to the video and speak with the team behind the project, Adam Gottlob from The Genesis Museum and Thomas “Ikhnaton” Manchon.

What is Your Favorite Track on “No Jacket Required”?

Voting has ended but the results will be revealed in an upcoming episode!

Tabletop Genesis Episode 42 – “Mike + The Mechanics”

After moderate to little success with his first two solo albums, all Mike Rutherford needed was a miracle with his new project and their self-titled, debut album, “Mike + The Mechanics.” The Tabletop and special guest Katherine Stratton of discuss this breakthrough album that spawned two Top 10 hits in the U.S.

What is Your Favorite Track on “Mike + The Mechanics?”

Voting has ended but tune in to our upcoming episode to hear the results!

Tabletop Genesis Episode 41 – “The Fugitive”

tony bank the fugitive

In 1983, keyboardist Tony Banks stepped out of his comfort zone to sing lead vocals on his second solo album, “The Fugitive.” Was this experiment a success? The Tabletop weighs in with the help of two special guests, writers (and longtime Genesis fans) Antony Johnston and Al Melchior.

Tabletop Genesis Episode 40 – “Peter Gabriel 1 (Car)”

Peter Gabriel Car

Hearts around the Tabletop are going boom, boom, boom as the members dive deep into Peter Gabriel’s debut solo album. The 1977 release finds the former Genesis frontman exploring a variety of musical landscapes, from grandiose epics and straight up rock to blues/jazz and barbershop quartet. Excuse me??

What is Your Favorite Track on “Peter Gabriel (Car)”?

Peter Gabriel Car

Voting has closed, but listen to our Peter Gabriel 1 (Car) episode to hear the results!

Tabletop Genesis Episode 39 – “The Fading Lights of 2020″

Fading LightsAs 2020 becomes just another fading memory (thank God!), the Tabletop reflects on the past year, looks ahead to 2021, and shares news about exciting changes happening around the table.

Tabletop Genesis Episode 38 – “A Trick of the Tail”

A Trick of the Tail CoverHoly Mother of God! Though many thought Peter Gabriel’s departure in 1975 signaled the end of Genesis, the remaining members—with drummer Phil Collins taking on lead vocals—proved them wrong with 1976’s “A Trick of the Tail,” their biggest selling album up to that point. The Tabletop discusses this pivotal album, which has aged a lot better than the protagonist in “Ripples…”!