Tabletop Genesis Episode 22 – “Interview with Anthony Phillips”

Members of the Tabletop join Genesis founding member Anthony Phillips around his table for some tea and a discussion about his solo career, 5.1 reissues, Spinal Tap, his current projects, and more.

anthony phillips

6 thoughts on “Tabletop Genesis Episode 22 – “Interview with Anthony Phillips”

  • August 16, 2017 at 12:41 pm

    Wonderful! Thanks for interviewing Ant. I appreciate you asking about the library music and the reissues and avoiding the temptation to talk about Genesis. Thank you!

  • August 18, 2017 at 7:51 pm

    What a great interview – thanks! Nice to hear about what Ant is up to these days and about his solo career. It got me wanting to hear 12-string guitar.

  • August 20, 2017 at 12:59 pm

    Great interview! I’ve long thought Ant would be a wonderful person to meet, and by your account – and pretty much all others before it – he is a true “English gentleman”. Also, thank you for NOT going into the Genesis thing. I doubt that there is anyone who follows Genesis that isn’t already intimately familiar with Ant’s story. It was intriguing to hear about his take on the 5.1 mixes, what he thinks of Slow Dance, and also his honesty about writing songs and lyrics. Now I don’t feel so bad about all the unfinished songs *I’ve* accumulated! It would be great if we could get another songs album from Ant in the vein of Wise After The Event and Sides. Hope we get a new installment in the Private Parts & Pieces series in the not-too-distant future, which based on your interview seems more likely than not. Speaking of Sides, now I’m off to pop in my DVD of Spinal Tap so I can look for its cameo in this timeless, hilarious movie…

  • August 20, 2017 at 4:03 pm

    What a great opportunity to tell everybody what Anthony Phillip’s music means to me. I have just about everything he has done. There is hardly a day when I don’t listen to something of his and it still sounds fresh and new. The reviewers reminded me of “Ahead of the Field” and I will listen to it now with a different perspective. The reissues have been great because when I get them I pass the originals down to my son and he loves them too and has a place for them in all his own generation music. I am sure I speak for all of Ant’s fans that we wish one day we could see him perform live. Is there a tribute band out there someplace.? God Bless Anthony Phillips. We Love you.

  • August 25, 2017 at 11:51 am

    There are eleven Private Parts albums.

  • February 1, 2019 at 12:33 pm

    Hi guys, another great interview. If you did do a piece on any of his albums then “Sides” would be the one for me as it has a great mix of styles, some great romantic songs, instrumentals as well, so that would be interesting to hear others views. The artwork for Ant’s albums, especially the early ones, are fantastic, there’s so much to look and with all the little details, great work by artist Peter Cross.


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