Tabletop Genesis Ep 05 – “Trespass”

genesis-trespassStacy “Daughter of White Fang” Godfrey and the rest of the Tabletop Genesis members discuss 1970’s “Trespass,” touching on the contribution of Anthony Phillips, the departure of John Mayhew, and Peter Gabriel’s farm animal impression in “The Knife.”

Tabletop Genesis Ep 04 – The Mama Tour Video

MamaTourDVDIn this bonus “mini” podcast, the members of Tabletop Genesis put on their sunglasses and crank up the boom box as they reflect on the Mama Tour Video and the integral part it played in their fandom.

Tabletop Genesis Ep 03 – “Genesis”

genesis mamaGenesis’ 1983 self-titled album is also known as “Shapes” and “The Mama Album” … but “The Piano Album?” One Tabletop Genesis member makes his case, and the group gets in touch with the “other world” as they tackle everything from silver rainbows to faux-Mexican accents.

Tabletop Genesis Ep 02 – “Nursery Cryme”

nursery cryme“Play me my song…” In this episode, Tabletop Genesis focuses on the 1971 masterpiece, Nursery Cryme, as one member attempts to convince the group of the brilliance of “Seven Stones.” So go ahead and listen to this podcast now, now, now, now, now…