Tabletop Genesis Ep 07 – “Spot the Pigeon” & “Seconds Out”

Spot the Pigeons Seconds OutClive Nolan of Pendragon has called it “the album that made me want to be in a rock band,” and Taylor Hawkins of Foo Fighters said it was “one of his drum bibles.” Now hear what the members of Tabletop Genesis have to say about the band’s 1977 double live album, Seconds Out. Plus, Tabletop Tom explains why he thinks a certain Spot the Pigeon track is for the birds.

Tabletop Genesis Ep 06 – “Wind & Wuthering”

genesis wind and witheringThe members of Tabletop Genesis bask in the afterglow after having their own special way with 1976’s Wind & Wuthering, tackling failed Scottish uprisings, giant mice, the departure of Steve Hackett, and the album’s best song for shakin’ ya groove thang!

Tabletop Genesis Ep 05 – “Trespass”

genesis-trespassStacy “Daughter of White Fang” Godfrey and the rest of the Tabletop Genesis members discuss 1970’s “Trespass,” touching on the contribution of Anthony Phillips, the departure of John Mayhew, and Peter Gabriel’s farm animal impression in “The Knife.”

Tabletop Genesis Ep 04 – The Mama Tour Video

MamaTourDVDIn this bonus “mini” podcast, the members of Tabletop Genesis put on their sunglasses and crank up the boom box as they reflect on the Mama Tour Video and the integral part it played in their fandom.