Tabletop Genesis Episode 19 – “The Album Covers”

From the “how much more black could it be?” cover of From Genesis to Revelation to the ectoplasmic font of Calling All Stations, the members of the Tabletop put their spin on the album artwork of Genesis. Plus, we’re counting down the Top 10 Genesis Album Covers as chosen by you, the listeners! [Note: the giveaway mentioned in the episode has now ended]

genesis covers

Tabletop Genesis Episode 18 – “Interview with Mike Keneally”

mike keneallyIn this special holiday episode, guitarist/songwriter extraordinaire Mike Keneally (Frank Zappa, Joe Satriani, Dethklok, and many more) discusses his passion for the music of Genesis. Mike touches on all aspects of his fandom, from how he first discovered the band and drawing The Lamb cover from memory, to creating his own custom Ant Phillips playlists! Plus, Mike recalls how he experienced a “close encounter of the frisbee kind” in 1977 at his first Genesis concert.

Check out Mike’s music at, or wherever fine music is available.

Tabletop Genesis Episode 17 – “Duke”

genesis dukeThere’s an extra chair around the Tabletop as Peter Jones of Tiger Moth Tales joins the group to go behind the lines of Genesis’ 1980 masterpiece, “Duke.”

Check out Peter’s version of Guide Vocal (and more):

Tabletop Genesis Episode 16 – “Voyage of the Acolyte”

steve-hackett-voyage-of-the-acolyteThe tarot cards have been spread out and the reading predicts an episode dedicated to the first solo album by a Genesis member: Steve Hackett’s 1975 debut effort, “Voyage of the Acolyte.” Is this the “lost Genesis album” as some have claimed? The Tabletop weighs in …

Tabletop Genesis Episode 15 – “We Can’t Dance”

we can't dance“Like the story that we wish was never ending, we know sometime we must reach that final page …” Phil Collins’ last studio album with Genesis, 1991’s “We Can’t Dance,” is discussed by the members of the Tabletop, as they try to keep a jovial mood amid such topics as abusive fathers, shady TV preachers, the hazards of railway construction, and worst of all – the inability to dance.